Northern Baptist Convention General Council (ABCUSA)

Council Resolution Regarding Kristallnacht (1938)

[Item 4494] Religious and Racial Discrimination
    On motion it was VOTED to request E.A. Fridell to present a resolution on Wednesday, covering the anxiety of our denomination concerning the persecution of religious and racial minorities abroad. (See Item 4546).

[Item 4546] Religious and Racial Persecution - Totalitarianism
    E.A. Fridell presented the following resolution, which, on motion, was adopted:

    Believing that the rapid rise of Totalitarianism in the world today constitutes a deadly threat to vital religion and all human freedom and is in itself an assault on the spiritual foundations of Democracy, therefore [end of p 9]
    BE IT RESOLVED that the General Council of the Northern Baptist Convention view with the deepest concern the unparalleled horrors and indignities now being visited upon racial and religious minorities in several parts of the world.
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we call upon our constituency in the states of our Convention area to give themselves to self-examination and to prayer to the end that the spirit of fear and hatred which is leading to continual oppression, and in some lands even to threats of ruthless extermination, may not find lodgment in the hearts of the American people.
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we give ourselves to special prayer on behalf of oppressed Jews and Roman Catholics in Germany and Baptists in Rumania, and all others who during these immediate days are special victims of persecution.
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we express to the President of the United States of America our concern that he take the lead in calling an international conference for the purpose of dealing with the Refugee Problem on a scale commensurate with the unprecedented situation now before us.
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we place ourselves on record with authorities at Washington approving the reception into the United States of Political and Religious refugees of acceptable character up to the full limits of existing quota standards.  That we further urge our authorities under the same safe-guards to take whatever additional steps will most effectively perpetuate the time honored tradition which would make the United States a haven for victims of oppression for conscience sake.
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we more earnestly give ourselves as Baptists to the solution of those social problems within our borders which give rise to human suffering and need and thus undermine faith in those self-governing institutions which are indispensable to effective Democracy.


Minutes of the General Council of the Northern Baptist Convention, November 30, 1938, Item 4546, pp. 9-10