Judson Press Launches the Book

How did Baptists respond to the rise of the Nazis in Germany and their persecution of the Jewish people throughout Europe? General Secretary of American Baptist Churches USA, Dr. Lee B. Spitzer, delves into this history and its implications for Christians today in his thoroughly researched and eminently accessible new book, Baptists, Jews, and the Holocaust: The Hand of Sincere Friendship.

Rich with primary resource material including personal stories, primary source documents, and speeches, and covering the full history of all Baptists during this period, readers will gain insight concerning Christianity and the Holocaust, as well as Baptist identity and history. 

Reid S. Trulson, retired Executive Director of American Baptist International Ministries, states, “This is the first truly comprehensive assessment of the Baptist response to the repression and then persecution of Jews in the 1930s.” He adds, “This rich contribution to Holocaust studies, as well as to Baptist, African American, and women’s studies, is the story of a great evil and the responses of a people of faith.”

“More than a study of attitudes toward the Holocaust, this book is a nuanced and helpful primer on race relations and the challenges of moving from sympathetic resolutions to action,” says Dr. Deborah Van Broekhoven, Executive Director Emeritus of the American Baptist Historical Society.

This groundbreaking volume is a must-read for church historians, Holocaust scholars, Baptist history buffs, and anyone interested in interfaith relations. It comes at a critical point in current events as the nation is again facing anti-Semitic rhetoric.

LEE B. SPITZER, MDiv, DMin, PhD, is General Secretary of American Baptist Churches USA. Previously, he served as Executive Minister of American Baptist Churches of New Jersey. He is author of several books, including Making Friends, Making Disciples: Growing Your Church through Authentic Relationships (Judson Press, 2010); Endless Possibilities: Exploring the Journeys of Your Life; A Summer’s Journey: The Journal of a Pastor’s Sabbatical in Israel, and Jesus Christ from Cover to Cover: Tracing the Messianic Journey from Genesis to Revelation.

About Judson Press: Founded in 1824, Judson Press is a publishing ministry of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies, American Baptist Churches USA. It is committed to producing Christ-centered leadership resources for the transformation of individuals, congregations, communities, and cultures.

Judson Press